

A gallery
of portraits

Just a few portraits as I found so many photos like these ones on the internet and in magazines. There is no need to demonstrate all of them. The main source is www.allposters.com.

Hepburn Hepburn Hepburn Hepburn Hepburn Hepburn Hepburn Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn at different angles and by different photographers

Garbo Garbo Garbo Garbo

Gorgeous Greta Garbo

Kelly Kelly

Grace Kelly

Marlene-Dietrich Marlene-Dietrich

Ingred-Bergman and Marlene-Dietrich

Veronica Lake Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren and Veronica Lake

Marilyn Manroe Marilyn Manroe

Marilyn Manroe

Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand

stylish Barbra Streisand

Brigitte Bardot Catherine Deneuve

sexy Brigitte Bardot and exquisite Catherine Deneuve

Carole Lombard Bette Davis

Bette Davis and Carole Lombard

Sophie Marceau Sophie Marceau

Sophie Marceau

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