The Art of Photography


Assignment "Portrait"
Viktoriya Chebotarova,
st id#3650150
Advanced Diploma of Multimedia


Here you’ll find included only those trends in painting, which, to my mind, made a significant influence on photography. I included some examples.


When I started looking through the old photographs I felt mesmerized by the beauty of the world created by the old masters. They did a great job – they captured history and you can FEEL a real world behind those pictures. I felt even more attracted by the old photos than by the masterpieces in painting. And I couldn’t but include for my assignment the pages on the old photography.

Main source of info: The bio data on the pages of this section are used from this particular site.

Our time

There are many marvellous photographers nowdays. With the introduction of digital cameras into our life there appeared more possibilities to make quality photos without tiresome efforts. The process of making good photos is now simpler than it was even a decade ago.

In this section I included only those artists who could make an influence on me or whose techniques I find interesting.

Main source of info:


Just a gallery of perfect portraits, usually the ones of actresses and actors.

Main source of info:

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