
Our time

Wogan, David
the USA

I found this photographer on Photobox site. Wogan is fond of digital photography. To me he is just a good example of how digital photos can be made and transformed in Photoshop.

A few examples with discription:


The photo was taken with Camera Olympus MJU II, Lens 38mm f.28, Exposure Auto, Scanning Nikon LS2000. The photo was manipulated in Photoshop 5.5.

"Country Cottage"

The photo was taken with Camera Nikon D1, Lens Nikkor 14mm f2.8, Exposure 1/60 f8. The photo was manipulated in Photoshop 5.5.


The photo was taken with Camera OlyAF-10 and Nikon F100, Lens Oly + Nikkor 20mm f2.8, Exposure Auto. The photo was manipulated in Photoshop 5.5. There are three shots combined here. The sky (1996) Stonehenge (1992) and the people (2000). They are actually street mime artists taken here in Dublin's Grafton Street. I've been working on this picture for three years now, never really getting it to where I thought it should be.


The photo was taken with Camera Nikon FM2, Lens Tokina 105mm f2.8, Exposure 1/250 f22 SB-26 Flash. The photo was manipulated in Photoshop 5.5. I poured this glass of Campari and just before drinking it I captured it forever - delicious.

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