Wolleh, LotharGerman; 1930-2000
In 1958 he made a trip to Gotland (Sweden). The trip was part of a World Council of Churches, program. For Wolleh this journey turned out to be a mayor turning point in his life resulting into a life-long devotion to the people and landscape of Gotland (Sweden). He is also buried there.
1970 Publication of the photo-volume "UdSSR", [USSR] Belser Verlag, Stuttgart
1970 Publication of "Uecker Monographie", [UeckerІs Monograph] Verlag Galerien der Spiegel, KЦln
1972 Publication of "Art Scene Dнsseldorf", Belser Verlag, Stuttgart
1972 Movie about Gнnther UeckerІs happening "White-Black-Room".
1973 "Unterwasserbuch"-project [Underwater book] together with Josef Beuys. Due to technical problem just three volumes of the book are being made. The remaining pvc-prints were later published individually and are known as "3ton-edition", Staeck, Heidelberg
1978 Photos to the volume "Ludwig van Beethovens Leonore, Idee einer Oper", [Ludwig van BeethovenІs Leonore, Idea of an opera] by Gнnther Uecker, Belser Verlag, Stuttgart
1979 Photos to the volume "Zum Zeichen der Schrift oder Sprachlosigkeit", by Gнnther Uecker, Erker Verlag, St. Gallen
Impressed by the photomontage of the German Dadaists, Rodchenko began his own experiments in the medium, first employing found images in 1923, and from 1924 on shooting his own photographs as well. His first published photomontage illustrated Mayakovsky's poem, "About This," in 1923.
Exhibitions 1979 Die KнnstlerportrФts, [Portraits of artists] Museum Sztuki, Lodz, Polen 1980 Lothar Wolleh Kнnstlerbildnisse - Kunstobjekte - Photographien, [Portraits - Parts of Art - Photographies] Kunstverein fнr die Rheinlande und Westfalen Dнsseldorf, Kunsthalle, (Katalog vorhanden)
1995 Lothar Wolleh Kнnstlerbildnisse - Photographien, Kunst-Museum Ahlen
1998 KнnstlerportrФts, Gemeinschaftsausstellung mit Arbeiten von Kurt Blum, Dennis Hopper, Benjamin Katz, Stefan Moses, Arnold Newman, Man Ray, Rolf Schroeter, Lothar Wolleh, unter dem Motto "Kunst der Fotografie fнr die Vereinte", Mнnchen, (Katalog vorhanden)
1999-2000 Ansichten vom Kнnstler, mit Arbeiten von Stefan Moses, Robert HФusser, Joseph G. Rittenberger, Manfred Leve, Franz Hubmann, Ute Klophaus, Regina Schmeken, Benjamin Katz, Lothar Wolleh, Wanderausstellung mit den Stationen: Schloњ Bad Arolsen, StФdtische Galerie Erlangen Stadtmuseum Hofheim.
The patriarch of Constantinople
Rene Magritte
Gerhard Richter
Josef Beuys
Niki de Saint Phalle